Be Involved
91% of Pres Girls are involved in at least one activity.
Nurture your current interests or explore new ones - At Pres, you can do both!
Anime/Japanese Club
Anime club meets bi-weekly to discuss and share the members’ love of Japanese manga and animation. The members view and review various animes, compare older versions with newer ones, or just enjoy the films. Students learn about the history of the art as well as some of the culture of Japan. Activities include art projects, anime design classes and games.
Contact Ms. Proto at
Art and Literature Magazine
Students work to collect diverse writings and artwork of the Presentation Community in order to curate an online magazine, “Girl Talk.”
Contact Ms. Atkinson at
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union (BSU) focuses on issues of equity, social justice, and inclusivity. Different topics are discussed at each meeting, often with members of community organizations coming to share their experiences with club members.
Contact Mr. Atkins at
Book Club
The purposes of the Book Club are to encourage reading among students, to allow students to share their perspectives and interpretation of selected books, and to analyze meaningful content and characterization.
Contact Ms. Samuels at
Drama Club
The Top Hat Theatre Club meets regularly. Each meeting features a workshop on one area of theater. Workshops include: auditions; dance and movement; stage combat; musical and technical theater; Shakespeare; character and improvisation; and a field trip to a professional production.
Contact Ms. Beck Heimbrock at or Ms. Cooley at
Game Club
Students play board games and role play. Games could range from Yahtzee to Chess to Dungeons and Dragons.
Contact Mr. Austin at
Governor's Cup Competition
Students may participate in academic competitions with other schools in the district, region, and state in English composition, Quick Recall, general knowledge, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and Future Problem Solving. Students compete through individual written assessments, except in the case of Quick Recall and Future Problem Solving which are team events.
Contact Ms. Atkinson at or Ms. Licciardi at
National Honor Society
The Sedes Sapientiae Chapter of the National Honor Society was established at Presentation Academy in 1962 to recognize and develop the qualities of scholarship, leadership, character, and service in students. Membership is limited to those students who hold a cumulative weighted grade point average of 3.75 and who demonstrate the qualities of service, leadership, and character. Members will be required to continue to demonstrate these qualities in order to maintain NHS membership and are required to be active participants in school affairs and service activities.
When students apply for membership, applications are scored, and points earned based on their activities in and out of school. Eligible juniors and seniors will be notified at the beginning of the school year and encouraged to apply.
Contact Ms. Flynn at
Peer Leaders Program
Peer Leadership is a club that promotes positive relationships among students at the middle and high school levels. The Peer Leadership Program allows our students to have a positive influence on middle school students. The club is open to junior and senior students who show exemplary behavior and exhibit role model characteristics. The program works with middle school students on the following themes: Getting to know yourself/others; Respect of self and others; Friendships/healthy lifestyles; Being safe; Alcohol and drug awareness; and Transitioning from middle to high school.
Contact Mr. Atkins at
Pinterest Club
Members of the Pinterest Club meet regularly to create Pinterest crafts together. This club is open to students of all grade levels, and project ideas are based on student suggestions.
The Prezettes is a select vocal ensemble of sophomores, juniors and seniors. Auditions are usually held in May. Members are chosen for their vocal proficiency, enthusiasm, dedication and ability to work in a small group setting. The Prezettes have performed at business meetings, on television programs, at sporting events like UofL basketball games, and at Spalding University and Presentation Academy functions.
Ms. Alesha Jones is the Choral Director at Presentation Academy. Throughout high school and college, Ms. Jones toured with various choirs in Europe and around the United States. She has a B.S. in Music from North Central University and has been teaching music to students of all ages for more than ten years. She plays the piano, the ukulele and the guitar and has taught professional development classes to local music teachers. Her expertise is making sure that all choir members hone their musical skills, that they all have a basic knowledge of music theory, and that they all can sing harmonies. In fact, she is a master at creating harmonies, writing original arrangements that are personal to her students’ abilities, and making Presentation the go-to place for developing singers.
Contact Ms. Jones at
Quick Recall
Students practice in order to participate in Governor’s Cup competition. Additional competitions and activities may be scheduled pending student interest and availability. This activity is open to all students.
Contact Ms. Atkinson at or Ms. Licciardi at
Retreat Program
The Retreat Program at Presentation Academy is considered central to a student’s spiritual and personal growth. The school strongly encourages each student to make a retreat during each of her four years at Presentation. All freshmen are required to attend a one-day retreat. Retreats are optional on all other levels. The sophomore and junior retreats are two days long, and the senior retreat is three days. Students must obtain special permission from school administration to lead retreats other than those offered by Presentation Academy.
Note: Approval to attend any retreat is influenced by a student’s conduct, attendance, and academic stability.
Contact Ms. Fortener at
Robotics Club
This club is a division of STEAM Club and members will learn about VEX Robotics, build a VEX Robot, and use RobotC programming software to learn basic commands and functions.
Contact Ms. Merkley at or Mr. Goss at
STEAM Club is for any student who has an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Mathematics topics. STEAM Club is moderated by a faculty member and run by dedicated and passionate team of student leaders. Club activities include in-school meetings/activities and outside-of-school STEAM-related field trips and service opportunities. Activities are chosen and planned for the group according to student interests. Activities in the past have included field trips to Huber’s Farm, the Bodies Exhibit at the Kentucky Science Center, and behind-the-scenes tours at Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company and the Louisville Zoo.
Contact Ms. Merkley at or Mr. Goss at
Student Ambassadors
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors are selected to serve as student ambassadors who communicate school activities to the public. These ambassadors design, plan, and implement activities that actively involve community members and future students in Presentation events throughout the year.
Student Council
The Student Council strives to build leadership among all students, not just its members. Its primary purpose is to promote better relationships among the student body, the administration, the faculty, and the other members of the Presentation community. The Council works to create a positive and supportive environment throughout Presentation. Increasing student involvement in school activities is a goal of the Council.
Contact Ms. Roberts at
Student Y: Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA)/Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA)
These programs offer firsthand experience in state government affairs and world affairs. They are designed to promote a more responsible citizen and a better life for all. Students will study, prepare, and present legislative proposals for KYA which meets for three days off site in November. While participating in KUNA, students create informational/cultural performances, an information booth, and a proposal to be presented to a mock United Nations Assembly in a three day, off site location in March. There are also leadership camps and service projects sponsored by the Kentucky YMCA which are open to members.
Contact Mr. Redmon at
We Day Club
This yearlong program nurtures compassion in young people and gives them the tools to create transformative social change.
Contact Ms. Graves at